Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

Many experts working in the field have drawn a clear line between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency, otherwise known as alcoholism. While alcohol abusers tend to possess the know-how regarding when to stop drinking, alcoholics do not. Don’t misunderstand though, because those abusing alcohol are still heading down a destructive path which may cause harm to others, and themselves.

Be Aware of the Following Alcohol Addiction Symptoms:

  1. Putting themselves in physically dangerous situations is a sign of alcohol abuse.
  2. Examples of these types of legal issues include disorderly conduct and drunk driving.
  3. Are you noticing your friend or loved one using alcohol as a means to cope with stress?
  4. Have you noticed your friend or loved one continuing to drink heavily despite wedges it’s creating in their personal relationships?
  5. These personal issues could include drinking despite how upset it makes the family, which inevitably results in arguments and fights.
  6. Does your friend or loved one constantly face legal issues as a direct result of their drinking?
  7. Is your friend or loved one using alcohol when driving, operating machinery, or in conjunction with other medications against their doctor’s orders?
  8. This includes poor job performance, avoiding their children, failing classes, or not showing up when expected to due to a hangover.
  9. Few understand that self-medicating using alcohol is a sign of current or future alcohol abuse.
  10. Do you have a friend or a loved one consistently ignoring responsibilities in their home, at their job, or at their school because they’re drinking too much?

Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions above, chances are you’re noticing alcohol addiction symptoms and signs. These signs lead from abusing alcohol to becoming an alcoholic. This is a scary reality, so it’s important for you to understand what this path is. Be aware that, when someone abuses alcohol that doesn’t mean they’re going to become an alcoholic. The risk is there, though, because triggers are everywhere. These triggers include the loss of a job, life transitions, the death of a loved one, and other life events that are difficult to cope with.

There are a separate set of questions you need to ask yourself if you believe your friend or loved one is an alcoholic. The Symptoms of Alcoholism are as Follows:

Have you noticed your friend or loved one depending on alcohol in order to function through their daily life?

If so, they’ve crossed the line from abusing alcohol to alcoholism.

Does your friend or loved one require more alcohol before they start feeling its effects? Or have you noticed they’re able to tolerate more alcohol than the other people they’re drinking with?

For those who drink regularly, tolerance in their system is built up over time, allowing them to drink more before getting drunk. While this may not be a direct indication that alcoholism is the case, the path toward this situation is clear.

Is your friend or loved one experiencing any types of withdrawal symptoms when they go a long period of time without consuming alcohol?

For those in need of a drink in order to relieve symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches, nausea, shaking, or sweating, a red flag should immediately go up. Depending on the alcoholic’s level of dependency, severe symptoms include agitation, confusion, fever, hallucinations, and seizures. These situations require a physician’s care and advice.

Additional Alcohol Addiction Symptoms and Signs Include the Following:

  1. Their favorite activities are ignored because of their drinking. Everything that was once important to them is no longer due to their alcohol consumption.
  2. Even though your friend or loved one intends to stop consuming alcohol during a given period of time, they lose control and drink more than they intended.
  3. Your friend or loved one has expressed the need or desire to quit drinking, but they are unable to do so. Their efforts to reduce their drinking, or stop cold turkey, have all failed.

No one wants to believe that their friend or loved one is placing all of their focus on alcohol, but it’s a reality. Keep an eye on your friend or loved one to ensure they are staying involved in social activities, they are maintaining their interests, and everything they do doesn’t involve alcohol. Some people know that their drinking causes problems, but there are others who are completely unaware. These signs not only cause problems with marriages, but they also cause bouts of depression and numerous health issues.

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