Short Term Effects Of Alcohol

There can be a number of varying short-term effects of alcohol, depending on a few factors. The quantity of alcohol that is consumed and the occasion in which it is consumed plays a large role in determining the degree of intoxication and other alcohol-related effects. An important thing to be aware of as it relates to alcohol, is that regardless of how happy you feel after drinking, it is actually a depressant that reduces inhibitions and causes an individual to only temporarily feel calmer.

However, the number of individuals might experience a sense of sadness, which is sometimes referred to as a “sad trip” subsequent to having consumed a quantity of alcohol that is past their capacity. Alcohol functions in a particular way which causes the body to lower its inhibitions against releasing certain emotions. Therefore, it is also believed that an individual who is drunk speaks the truth at all times. There is the expression that a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts, and some hold this to be true.

Short Term Effects Of Alcohol

Short-Term Effects that Alcohol can have on Your Body – The essential short-term effect of the consumption of alcohol on the body is an inebriate state of consciousness. In this state, an individual is not in full control of his or her muscles, speech, actions, or thoughts.

As a result, it is a great deal easier to take advantage of individuals when they are drunk. In addition, because of this altered state, an individual could lose particular chunks of memory or exercise very poor judgement. This is a very good example of why the consumption of alcohol puts an individual in a state of vulnerability.

Short-Term Effects Of Alcohol

Short-Term Effects of Alcohol on Vital Organs

Liver – This is among the most essential organs in the body and it carries out the function of flushing out and destroying toxins and filtering the blood. However, alcohol causes the liver to have an excessive amount of toxins. Some doctors often recommend consuming moderate quantities of beer as a means of getting rid of kidney stones. That is in view of the fact that beer causes an individual to urinate more frequently. However, more concentrated and larger doses of alcohol can be quite harmful to the functions of the liver.

Heart – Alcohol has both negative and positive effects on the heart. Studies have indicated that small doses of alcohol have the capacity to lower anxiety. As a result, consuming alcohol in moderate amounts in situations which cause anxiety bring on increased blood pressure and assist in slowing your heart rate and getting your blood pressure under control. However, increased and excessive consumption of alcohol could result in a drop in heart rate to an abnormal and unhealthy level. In addition, it slows the heartbeat down to an extent that could possibly cause an individual to totally lose consciousness.

Nervous System – The nerves have particular sensory receptors that transmit messages to the brain from the sensory organs for what they need; this process happens very fast. However, depressants such as alcohol result in the blocking of such receptors. This stops the messages from getting processed, resulting in a defect in functioning. That is the reason a number of individuals end up with reduced motor control, coordination, and even blurry vision when drunk. Therefore, it is very important to follow the “If you drink, don’t drive” rule, as well as the operation of any dangerous machinery. More often than not, these effects of alcohol are referred to as psychological.

Stomach – When a large quantity of alcohol is consumed on the go, it is quite likely that a burning sensation or an irritation will occur in the stomach. This is in view of the fact that alcohol will cause the lining of the stomach to become irritated. This can eventually cause damage with prolonged excessive consumption of alcohol. Other short-term effects of alcohol on the stomach include stomach pain and nausea. These effects are typically experienced by all on their first occasions of alcohol consumption.

Kidneys – Short-term effects of alcohol on the kidneys include the endocrine system being affected. That causes the kidneys to hold onto an anti-diuretic hormone while urinating and it reabsorbs lower amounts of water. This is a balance which is usually kept with the discharge of the anti-diuretic hormone. That is why individuals tend to experience dehydration when they are under the influence of alcohol.

As it relates to teenagers, one of the very troubling short-term effects of alcohol is that it causes a number of them to develop an addiction as a means of being socially accepted or having “fun.” This frequently causes alcohol addiction quickly and leads to such issues as teenage pregnancy. There are many short-term effects of alcohol and becoming aware of them should assist you in managing your intake of alcohol.

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